Author | Title |
Abbott, Edwin Abbott | Flatland - A Romance of Many Dimensions |
Aristophanes | Lysistrata |
Baudelaire, Charles | Selected Poems from 'Flowers of Evil' |
Blake, William | Blake's Selected Poems |
Buchan, John | The Thirty-Nine Steps |
Burns, Robert | Poems and Songs |
Cather, Willa | My Antonia |
Cather, Willa | O Pioneers! |
Dickens, Charles | The Cricket on the Hearth and Other Christmas Stories |
Dostoyevsky, Fyodo | Notes from the Underground |
Douglas, Frederick | Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas |
Dunbar, Paul Laurence | Selected Poems |
Eliot, T.S. | The Wasteland, Prufrock and Other Poems |
Fitzgerald, F. Scott | The Beautiful and Damned |
Flaubert, Gustave | Madame Bovary |
Franklin, Benjamin | The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin |
Freeman, Mary E. Wilkins | The Revolt of "Mother" and Other Stories |
Frost, Robert | The Road Not Taken and Other Stories |
Gide, André | The Immoralist |
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins | The Yellow Wallpaper and Other Stories |
Goldsmith, Oliver | She Stoops to Conquer |
Hardy, Thomas | Tess of the D'Urbervilles |
Housman, A.E. | A Shropshire Lad |
James, Henry | Daisy Miller |
Jewett, Sarah Orne | The Country of the Pointed Firs |
Johnson, James Weldon | The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man |
Kafka, Franz | The Metamorphosis and Other Stories |
Keats, John | Lyric Poems |
London, Jack | The Call of the Wild |
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth | Evangeline and Other Poems |
Maupassant, Guy de | The Necklace and Other Short Stories |
Melville, Herman | Bartleby and Benito Cereno |
Molière | Tartuffe |
Ovid | The Metamorphoses, Selected Stories in Verse |
Poe, Edgar Allan | The Gold-Bug and Other Tales |
Poe, Edgar Allan | The Raven and Other Favorite Poems |
Rilke, Rainer Maria | Letters to a Young Poe |
Rossetti, Christina | Goblin Market and Other Poems |
Shaw, George Bernard | Heartbreak House |
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley | The School for Scandal |
Sophocles | Electra |
Sophocles | Oedipus Rex |
Sterne, Laurence | A Sentimental Journey |
Stevenson, Robert Louis | The Body Snatcher and Other Tales |
Stevenson, Robert Louis | The Suicide Club |
Tolstoy, Leo | The Kreutzer Sonata and Other Short Stories |
Voltaire | Candide |
Washington, Booker T. | Up From Slavery |
Wells, H.G. | "The Country of the Blind" and Other Science-Fiction Stories |
Wells, H.G. | The Time Machine |
Wells, H.G. | The War of The Worlds |
Wharton, Edith | Ethan Frome |
Wilde, Oscar | The Ballad of Reading Gaol and Other Poems |
Williams, William Carlos | Early Poems |
Witman, Walt | Civil War Poetry and Prose |
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“When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson