It's been months since I last posted on this blog. Honestly, I tend to get allergic whenever I open this link.. I guess it's because of the roller-coaster ride of 2012, and how it turned out to be one of those major turning points in my life.

From not traveling, to break-ups, old flames, new friendships, and discovering who your real friends are, I consider the past year as another closed chapter. Or better yet, a closed book! This year will be another novel. And as Brad Prailey wrote..

Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book.
Write a good one.

~ Brad Prailey

So, instead of scratching the allergies when visiting here, I'll create a cure that will absorb those memories and change them into lessons... either learned, unlearned, or still in the process of being learned. And instead of totally abandoning this blog due to the emotions it stirs, I'll make a total revamp! A change of name and skin would just be the start..

Now, let me grab that blank book and that not-so-high-tech digital camera of mine (that still needs several rubber bands to make sure the batteries won't pop out ~ lol), and bring it with me wherever I go. For each day that passes, is another page waiting to be captured.. in words, or a sketch, or a photograph.

*Cheers* to 2012! Thank you for the wonderful ride!

*And another toast* to 2013! Looking forward to the great adventures you have in store!