love or hate the Philippines
So this video "20 reasons why I dislike the Philippines" is starting to stir up mixed emotions from all over, especially to Filipinos. See the trend at twitter

update #2: last time i saw the link above, it had over 22,000 views. now, it has been removed by the user. to watch the original video, click here.

update #1: added the real time tweets of this trending topic below

Strangely tho, the video only have 302 views (as of posting this) but over 2k comments. lol.. counter is acting up..

Anyway, not everyone takes a look at the description. The same makers of that video also made another one.. that is actually more worthwhile to watch.

20 Reasons I Love _____. (the Philippines)

source: channelfix

So.. what do you think? Share your thoughts below..